It is festive time in India - Diwali or the Festival of Lights. The streets and skies are engulfed by roaring Fire Crackers. This is the time when India sparkles ! Also, according to the Indian calendar its New Year for us! So Happy Diwali and a very Happy New Year to everyone!
The last two weeks have been very eventful for me. Diwali cleaning is a routine for all families in India. Your house gets a bath and your wardrobe gets a makeover this time of the year. So that led to two weeks of crazy shopping and an amazing makeover to my wardrobe ! Wu-hoo ! Also, my niece Avika completed a year on this planet on 3rd Nov 2010 and actually enjoyed her 1st Diwali with a lot of cracker bursting!
Avika clapping and giving a thumbs up to her 1st Diwali |
Also, U.S. President Barack Obama is in Mumbai at the moment, accompanied by the lovely and very stylish First Lady Mrs. Michelle Obama. This article by famous Indian author Shobhaa De reflects almost exactly what I feel about the President's visit.
And so, finally, this is the best time to announce the best news I've had for myself probably since I was born - I AM GOING TO VOGUE !!!! :D 8th November 2010 will be the 1st day of the rest of my life!
I will be working with them for 10 weeks on a particular project.
So my posts will probably be limited - Lets face it, I am a lazy blogger !
Until next time !